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What are Mannequins and their Primary Functions?


Any retail store's ability to increase sales is significantly aided by visual merchandising. Totomers into the business and encourage them to make purchases, the merchandise's presentation and display are crucial.


In basic terms, mannequins, sometimes known as dummies, are crucial to visual merchandising.


Mannequins: What are they?


Mannequins are man-made dolls that businesses employ to display their goods (which can be anything). Without occasionally even interrupting the salesperson, the mannequins assist the customers in learning about the newest trend the store offers. The shop's lovely mannequin is what draws customers in.


Mannequins' Function


  • Mannequins for sale are utilized to emphasize the store's distinctive collections.

  • Mannequins showcase the most recent fashion trends and persuade customers to purchase a specific product.

  • Customers are drawn inside the store by mannequins, which boosts sales and profits.


In the retail setting, mannequins are also in charge of upselling.


Upselling: What is it?


Up-selling is a sales strategy where the salesperson works hard to persuade the customer to purchase additional things or pricey goods, increasing the store's income. When an upsell occurs, the salesperson is entirely to blame because they persuade the clients to buy more expensive goods on top of what they already have.




A consumer visits a retail establishment to purchase a watch for x rupees. Through his exceptional presenting abilities, the salesperson persuades the buyer to purchase a different model for y rupees where y > x.


A consumer may go to buy just one pair of shoes. When the salesperson persuades the buyer to purchase two pairs rather than one, that is upselling.


Considerations when selecting a Mannequin


  • A light mannequin or wood display stand should be used.

  • The mannequin's size and shape must correspond to your target market.

  • Mannequins must not be a source of obstruction.

  • Since it obstructs the path of potential customers, it should never be kept at the entrance or exit door.

  • On the mannequin, the clothing must appear well-fitted. Use as few pins as possible.

  • Choose the clothes you want your mannequin to wear with care.

  • Mannequins should frequently have their positions changed.

  • There shouldn't be any stains or dirt on the mannequins.

  • To avoid monotony, the mannequins' outfits should be appropriate for the season and changed frequently.